Smoke curls through the room and the scent of various tobaccos waft through the air when you enter. Soft cushions invite you to relax and forget the troubles of the outside world.Welcome to SaffronAddress: The Goblet, Ward 23, plot 49 (The brimming heart subdivision) Brynhildr, Crystal DC
Hours: Thursday, 10pm to 12am estWelcome to our humble venue
You are invited to come to sit in the hookah and tea lounge where our guests can indulge some tea or hookahs to extend your relaxation.Downstairs, you will find the Hammam. You are welcome to enter the warm water where the steam from our infusers fill the room with a mix of various herbal essences. As clothes are optional in the basement you can change yourself in the rooms near the stairs.The room upstairs host two semi-private bath areas where you can spend quality time with a person of your choosing.We do not offer an escort service, but staff are free to chat and ropleplay on their own terms. Saffron is purely an RP venue and such gil is not needed. That said, we will accept tips or donations. If you wish to donate you can approach any staff member from the "ZA" FC, they will accept your donation. Any donations over 300k will receive a gift.This is an LGBTQ-owned venue and sex-positive environment and so is a 21+ establishement.
**Heavy/Immersive RP **- This is a heavy and immersive RP venue, and so we ask that you remain in character (IC) in public channels as much as possible. If you need to chat out of character, please try to do so in tells or party chat, if possible.Age - All staff and patrons must be 18+ both IC and OOC. Anyone who breaks this rule will be banned from the Discord and venue itself.
Respect - Slurs, hate speech, racism, sexism or drama of any kind will not be tolerated. If you don't like someone, block them! Respect the staff both IC and OOC.LGBT+ - Saffron is a LGBT+ friendly venue. No homophobia, biphobia, or transphobia will be tolerated IC or OOC.Consent - Concent is key! Whether IC or OOC consent is needed. Respect the boundaries of both staff and customers. If you are unsure or consent is not clear, ask. This also extends to things going on in private rooms, VIP rooms, any area of our venue and Discord server.18+ Content - Saffron is meant to be casual place for people to meet and hangout freely. As such, lewdness is encouraged!Private rooms - Private rooms are are free for all (for now), however we ask that you respect the privacy of people already in the rooms.ERP - ERP is allowed in the public spaces and chat! However, we ask to not ERP with Lalafells in the public area. We are not here to police what you do and we are not going to ask you what you say in private, that's your business, not ours. That being said, Lalafells are welcome in the venue.Clothes - Clothings are optional
in the baths areas but please have pants on in the main lounge.IC Bans - If someone has not followed rules of consent and respect they will be IC banned, this means if management decides that the issues were purely IC the person is still welcome to attend on another character.
Hookah Lounge


Private Room 1